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Youth Programs at First West

Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry at First West believes that the life of the church begins with the children. They are our future. Our philosophy is that each child will become familiar with the basics of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We believe in the basics of Love God & Love Others.

The Children's Ministry Program uses the Whirl Lectionary curriculum from Sparkhous. The curriculum is broken down into 3 core groups of children as of this time, based on age levels: Preschool/K, 1st - 3rd, and 4th - 6th. Each Sunday during the pastor's sermon, the children gather together to learn and experience the teachings of the scripture the large congregation is hearing as well. Each group is led by an adult teacher each Sunday. 

In addition to each Sunday, the children are involved in our church and the community. The children participate in several Sundays throughout the year during the Special Music portion of our service, perform Christmas and Easter Cantatas, and celebrate with a yearly Vacation Bible School during the summer. The children participate in the annual Steubenville Christma Parade on our First West Float, volunteer at our monthly luncheons among many other activities throughout the year!

Children's Director:

Glory Dami

Children's Youth Group Leader:

Cherie Ramsey

Middle School/High School Youth Group

Our ministry to our parish's high school students seeks to engage the totality of our young people's faith life through various experiences of service, social activities, and faith formation. Similarly, we hope to address challenges that our young people face each day by providing them with a perspective that is firmly rooted in the person of Jesus Christ. We're a dynamic, energetic group that welcomes students to form schools all over! We usually meet on Sunday mornings during church service. We grow in fellowship with one another and with Jesus Christ. Come be a part of our community!

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